Estelle is secretly a brains powerhouse behind her teachings! Her background in Biomedical Science allows her to delve into the depths of research and bring forth practical, user-friendly principles that anyone can digest. In a dizzying information driven world this is so welcomed, as Estelle can simplify complex concepts into easy-to-understand language, giving everybody access to empowering information. This is especially beneficial when applied to apnea training, as Estelle can enhance students understanding and knowledge by guiding them to understand the why, placing them in a position to make wise, educated choices to enhance, change and direct their experiences.

Being a water baby, means Estelle naturally gravitates to the element of water. Her love for the water is not limited to one body, but spans pools, rivers, dams, creeks, and oceans; this is her natural habitat. The water connection has been so fulfilling for Estelles’ wellbeing and lifestyle that she has turned to enhancing other people’s confidence using this very environment as the primary guiding force.

Estelle relishes in connecting with such a diverse range of humans who are all striving to be better in one way, shape or form. It does not matter what their base level is, or what their end goal is, from big wave surfing to overcoming fear in the water, Estelle is able to introduce the support needed to bring people closer to the water again, achieve their goals and tackle new experiences. It is a great joy for Estelle to see water confidence and stress management skills improve through the apnea teachings, all within the safe environment of a pool.

The static apnea protocol is particularly challenging, but incredibly rewarding when one learns how to push past the point where you want to stop. Estelle highlights how this is such a pivotal lesson in overcoming the boundaries that can hold us back, not just in the pool, but in life. For Estelle, this is what being your own dolphin means, to stay curious and willing to take on challenges.

Estelle builds her lifeforce up by equally tending to the mind and the body. You can find her swimming every morning in the ocean, whatever the weather, innovating her weekly exercise routine with as many different things she can fit in, and keeping her mind active through problem solving and root cause analysis of difficult health conditions. Estelle’s devotion to this research and analysis is second to none, and compliments her passion for the physical components of apnea training immensely.